Saturday, July 28, 2012

Everything is Nicer in Spicer

Last week, we spent time in Spicer, Minnesota, on a lake with Grandma, Grandpa, Cristian, and Carlee. I loved hanging out with all of my family! 

Carlee let me ride on her float ... "Ally" the alligator is what Carlee it.

 Cristian catching some rays on his turtle.
 Carlee when Mommy told her to pose.
 Cristian and me having a stare down. 
 We were feeding my "lovey" milk.
 Carlee bought me my own pair of sunglasses and a new purse. I only liked wearing my sunglasses upside down. 
 I was telling Daddy and Cristian how to play the bean bag toss game. Mommy and Carlee came back and won "one" game. They were so excited they ran to the middle to do a little dance.
 We made several trips to the city park that is across the street from the house we stayed in. 
 Cristian helped me with the chimes. His voice sounds so manly now.
 Enjoying the people watching. 
 We got to see my friends Delaney and Reese (and of course their parents - Brooke and Kelly). We are all getting so big. 
 "Where's Daddy's belly?!?!"
 Nana and Grandpa brought me a life-size Nemo bigger than me. I loved to sit and bounce on him.
 Carlee introduced me to Snickers ice cream bars. Mmm... was all I could say! I was running around crazy for about an hour after. Boy, do I love that sugar! Why doesn't Mommy ever give it to me?!?!

Cristian got up on skis this year! All that weight lifting paid off!
 Nana taught me how to play the piano. Oh, how I love music. Grandpa would say, "more music please," and I would play the music on the truck my Aunt Syl gave me. 
Carlee and I had a water gun fight... I think she won.
Carlee and I made up our own band named the "Kater and Carlee" band. We spent hours going round and round on my truck!

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