Saturday, August 25, 2012

What Happens at Nana and Papa's, Stays There

I just returned from a full week at my Nana and Papa's in Brookings, SD. My teachers at school tell me I came back smarter than I was before I left and with lots of new tricks that make them laugh.

Nana spent many hours pulling me around in the little red wagon. 
 We went to the grocery store where they had a cart the size of me to push around.

 Papa would rock me in the rocker. I almost ran to him one time but quickly realized what I was doing and turned around.
 Papa bought me my first tricycle. It even had a South Dakota license plate on it. 
 I am quite the little helper. Always wanting to do what everyone else does including sweeping.
 I loved to swing with Nana, push the swing, and be swung. 

Let's not forget about how much I like to wash my hands every two minutes. I like to be clean like my Grandma Rose. I still walk around and pick up little specks on the floor to hand to my teachers at school. 
Check out my new glasses....