We hope you enjoy Will's newborn pics as much as we do!
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Happy Valentines Day!
We had an eventful Valentines Day this year, and one that we will remember forever! Kate started peeing on the potty (after a week of accidents every day and preferring to pee in her pants) and Will rolled over! We attribute it to Aunt Sylvia's birthday! Thanks, Aunt Syl! Nana was here to see all live (I think Nana is one of the reasons Kate decided to stop peeing in her pants - Thanks, Nana)!
Kate opened her Valentines from Mommy and Daddy and Nana and Papa first thing when she woke up. She was so excited to get new books (she informed me all of her books were old and we needed new ones about two weeks ago) and her new PJs.
Nana continued her tradition of getting her the world's largest Valentines Day card!
Aunt Syl sent Kate and Will tulips to remind us Spring will arrive eventually along with an adorable bear and kitty.
Kate was running around the house telling us that she got flowers.
They have brightened our day!
Kate giving her teachers thumbs up for going potty on the potty!
Will rolling over!
Meet Papa
Unfortunately, the kids and I had to go back to Brookings for a dear friend's father's funeral. On a positive note, Will got to meet Papa!
Will all bundled up and ready to head to South Dakota for the first time!
Hello, Papa!
Will got lots of snuggles and hugs and kisses from Papa!
Kate couldn't wait to get to Brookings to see the "tickle monster." I think they read it almost every night.
Nana was just as fun as always. She even let Kate paint her toenails this trip. She didn't do too bad for a two year old!
Kate was more generous in sharing "her" Nana this trip and let Nana hold Will more often.
Tummy Time Pro
Will is getting stronger and stronger every day moving his head from side to side during Tummy Time! He actually loves his Tummy Time.
Big Sis
Kate has settled right in to being a Big Sis! This video is precious... She loves singing him songs and trying to feed him. As soon as he starts to cry, she usually says, "He doesn't like me anymore. Take him."
Play Mat
Will is starting to be alert more and more every day. We even get a coo or a smile once in awhile with his little grunts!
16 years and kickin'
Nana and Papa bought this bouncer 16 years ago when our nephew Cristian was born. Its made its way through Cristian, Carlee, Kate, and now Will. The yellow dude is always fascinating. It is one of Will's favorites!
Superbowl Halftime
Kate had a ball for the Superbowl! We went to our neighbors for the first quarter, where she tried lots of sweets, and came home to watch the rest. She really enjoyed Halftime! Who knew Kate liked Bruno so much?!? I think she could follow in her Daddy and Papa's footsteps and be a drummer!
Sunday, February 2, 2014
See Ya Later Baby Backfloat #3
It was "test" day at Baby Backfloat #3 today, and Kate got the thumbs up to move up to Baby Backfloat #4. She is going to take after her cousin Cristian and will be an excellent swimmer! Cristian is doing amazing ... he beat a senior this past week and was number one on his swim team for that race!
Seven Bananas! Kate has progressively gotten better. She went from screaming, crying just four months ago when she got water on her head to holding her breathes for "seven bananas" when she swims from Miss Courtney to Daddy. She says she wants to be a teacher like Miss Courtney one day.
"Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack jumped over..." Kate has gone from screaming when she had to sit on the mat and fall into the water to jumping in the water and going underwater. A huge thank you to Daddy for taking swimming lessons on! He gets all the credit for pushing her beyond her fears.
"Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall." Foss Swimming School is worth every penny!
Go Gophers
Tony took Kate to the Minnesota vs. Northwestern basketball game yesterday. It was a close game! When she came home, she said, "Mom, it was a tough go for the Gophers." It reminded me of something Rose would say. She was the happiest little girl and was just a talking up a storm. She was telling me all about the cheerleaders flying high in the air and seeing Goldie the Gopher. I think she is going to love sporting events like her Daddy!
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