Wednesday, July 24, 2013

South Dakota Summer Vacation

Nana and Papa invited me to their house for a whole week. My cousin Carlee and Great Grandma Georgia were there too! We played in the pool throughout the week, and I was actually comfortable sitting in it after about the first day. Carlee showed me the ropes. 
 I looked up to Carlee as a role model all week and can't wait to see her again. She is so fun!
 We went to a strawberry patch, and I got right in there to pick a bucket of strawberries. 

 I painted my very own piggy bank.
 My Great Grandma Georgia (or "Dorga" as I would say)
 Papa and me after a day of work.
 The Brookings Children's Museum was better than the St. Paul Children's Museum. We changed a tire on a car...
 ...planted a garden...
 ...picked pumpkins...
 ...made a mess in the water and was soaked in the end...
 ...made our own music...
 ...rowed a boat...
I had Great Grandma Georgia wrapped too... Even she was giving me piggy back rides.
 "Ouch... my back hurts and I need some ice"
Stroller rides with my baby
 Stroller rides for Kate
I played hard and slept hard most of the time! Thank you for such a great time, Nana, Papa, Carlee and Great Grandma Georgia! Next Summer is a date! 

Happy Independence Day!

For the 4th of July, we flew in an airplane to visit my Aunt Syl, Uncle Bob, and Cousin Nick. I am such a great traveler and LOVE airplanes! "Is that my plane out the window?" 
We had a good ol' Kansas City BBQ when we arrived! Aunt Syl and Uncle Bob taught me how to shuck corn just like I grew up on a farm!

Aunt Syl got out all of her old toys from when she grew up for me to have a tea party. I am not sure if Aunt Syl or I enjoyed it more. 
We went out on the pontoon to watch fireworks. I was a trooper - didn't have a nap all day and made it up for fireworks!
 This is where "Bob's toe" was born. I still talk about my left toes being Uncle Bob's, as he kept kissing and eating them. 
 Uncle Bob taught me how to honk the pontoon horn. I had all the other pontoons honking back and me and thought it was the best thing ever.
 Okay, I only made it up for a third of the fireworks and slept through the rest with flying colors. 
Aunt Syl and Uncle Bob live on hole #14. Daddy and Uncle Bob picked me up on the backhalf and let  me ride along. 
 Wee... this is fun!
We went to a Royals game against Oakland, and it was a great game! I discovered honey mustard pretzels and loved them! Aunt Syl was doing what I told her to do with the pretzels. 
 Uncle Bob is one of my favorites! I am always so smiley with him.
We went to dinner at the plaza the last night of our visit and waited for 30 minutes to get a princess balloon from the balloon maker.
Aunt Syl, Daddy, Mommy, and I went on a carriage ride behind a horsey to complete my princess experience. "Mmm... the horsey smells good" was a priceless comment for me to state when my Daddy despises horses. Thank goodness Aunt Syl was there, so we could go on the ride. 
Love you Aunt Syl and Uncle Bob and Cousin Nick! Until next time...