Nana and Papa invited me to their house for a whole week. My cousin Carlee and Great Grandma Georgia were there too! We played in the pool throughout the week, and I was actually comfortable sitting in it after about the first day. Carlee showed me the ropes.
I looked up to Carlee as a role model all week and can't wait to see her again. She is so fun!
We went to a strawberry patch, and I got right in there to pick a bucket of strawberries.
I painted my very own piggy bank.
My Great Grandma Georgia (or "Dorga" as I would say)
Papa and me after a day of work.
The Brookings Children's Museum was better than the St. Paul Children's Museum. We changed a tire on a car...
...planted a garden...
...picked pumpkins...
...made a mess in the water and was soaked in the end...
...made our own music...
...rowed a boat...
I had Great Grandma Georgia wrapped too... Even she was giving me piggy back rides.
"Ouch... my back hurts and I need some ice"
Stroller rides with my baby
Stroller rides for Kate
I played hard and slept hard most of the time! Thank you for such a great time, Nana, Papa, Carlee and Great Grandma Georgia! Next Summer is a date!