This has been an eventful week for me! I met my Great Grandma Kathy on Tuesday, my Grandma Rose on Wednesday, and Uncle Dave and Auntie Vera on Friday. I was on my best behavior and smiled the whole time!
Great Grandma Kathy sang "You are my sunshine" to me over and over. My Mommy always told me before I was born that G.G. Kathy wanted to be here to sing it to me. I am so thankful that she is still with us to hear her sing it first hand.
Grandma Rose spent most of the week with me. She would sit and just watch me when I was sleeping, and she always made sure I was sitting up straight in my bouncy chair. I love to sleep with my head tilted.
Uncle Dave was like an ol' pro when he held me. He looks a little different than when he held my Daddy about 38 years ago. I think Uncle Dave should grow back the "stache."