Brooke is due with Baby Reese Baeth just three weeks after Baby Wagner is due. We always wanted to be pregnant at the same time. It is hard to believe it actually happened! We look forward to spending time with them this Summer. We are hoping they will either start their romance to be married one day or will be the best of friends... We just need to know if Baby Wagner will be a boy or girl...
The South Dakota girls.... Kathy, Jill, Brooke, and Stacy. I think the five of us combined failed the baby games. Nursery Rhymes were not our strong suit...
The Wagner's and Heiter's were able to make the trip from Mitchell, South Dakota. Tony, Brother Dave, Cousin Brian, and Papa Gary went to the bar, played Euchre, and had adult beverages during the shower. I think they had more fun than the ladies.
The soon-to-be Grandma Rose and Nana Debbie ... They will be showering Baby Wagner with so much love...